Why Not Try and See

How are we being hurt
by something so small
we cannot see it
coming our way.
It has such a grip
we are commanded
to stay indoors
or stay apart when on the street.
I need to cheer people up
but stay within the rules.
That is why my voice
is my only point of contact.
As we pass by on the other pavement
we know only a voice can reach
and I may help lighten your load
as I wish you, 'Have a great day.'
Voices keep us in contact
without physically touching
and each time you wish someone well
you can brighten up the lonely day
of a stranger or a friend
and can feel you have done well
if they in turn respond,
“And the same to you.”
Like that small virus,
an exchange of voices
is not an earth shattering event,
but that small moment can help
remind us life is for living
so we should not give in
to that unwanted, harmful, germ.
By sharing moments, together, we win.

By Alex J. Anderson

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